Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Apps

Hiroshima P M M 1.2.20
At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, the cityofHiroshima fell victim to the world's first atomic bombing.Theentire city was virtually leveled; thousands upon thousandsoflives were lost. Many of those who managed to survivesufferedirreparable physical and psychological damage and stillsuffer theeffects today.The Peace Memorial Museum collects and displays belongings leftbythe victims, photos, and the other materials that convey thehorrorof that event, supplemented by exhibits that describeHiroshimabefore and after the bombing and others that present thecurrentstatus of the nuclear age. Each of the items displayedembodies thegrief,anger, or pain of real people. Having nowrecovered from thatA-bomb calamity, Hiroshima's deepest wish is theelimination of allnuclear weapons and the realization of agenuinely peacefulinternational community.